Category: Micro-adventures

Urban Hiking Ep-3 – Tuscumbia, Alabama

It was another beautiful sunny morning when I decided to go for another Urban Hike! This micro adventure would take me to the home of Helen Keller, Tuscumbia, Alabama. Another awesome southern town with a character all it’s own. Click here if you’d like to go on an urban hike with me in Tuscumbia, Alabama …

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Urban Hiking Ep-2 – Decatur, Alabama

In this micro adventure I travel to the beautiful city of Decatur, Alabama, for a day of Urban Hiking. Decatur’s downtown has been experiencing a resurgence of activity and growth. It’s always super clean, safe and just a cool place to hang out. So click here and enjoy an Urban Hiking micro adventure in Decatur, …

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Urban Hiking Ep-1 – Athens, Alabama

Urban Hiking isn’t new. It’s been around for a while. But the odds are it’s new to you. Urban Hiking is a micro adventure where you explore your town or city on foot. I recently did an urban hike around Athens, Alabama, an awesome Southern city with that Southern charm. From the business district to …

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Just Add Water Ep-3

In Ep-3 of Just Add Water we take another micro adventure on the Tennessee river, looking at the mysterious structures on the waterfront So, if you’re interested, climb on board by clicking here!

Just Add Water Ep-2

In this micro adventure I actually find the 312 foot ship! Here is what ULA has to about their rocketship… The R/S Rocketship, as it’s now called, is a 312-foot vessel designed specially to transport boosters and other large rocket components from Decatur to launch sites 8,000 miles away in California and nearly 1,700 miles …

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Just Add Water Ep-1

In this micro adventure on I go in search of a mysterious ship on the Tennessee River that I found last year. This ship was so big it had no business being on a river. So last week I decided to get to the bottom of it. If I can find it again I’ll get …

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Running for 48 Hours Ep-6

Did I finish my quest to race 100 miles in less than 48 hours? What did Merrill’s Mile look like? What problems did I face? The crazy goal of attempting to race 100 miles is to receive the coveted belt buckles. Buckles are a tradition to receive when you cross the finish line after completing …

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Running for 48 Hours Ep-5

I’m a goal setting type person. Goals help motivate me to do and be my best. This become uber important for me when it comes to ultra marathons like a 48 hour event. Remember, micro adventures can be of a personal and/or physical nature! In episode 5 you’ll hear about a basic pattern that I …

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Running for 48 Hours Ep-4

In Ep-4 of “Running for 48 Hours” I’ll share the top 3 show stoppers when it comes to ultra running! I’ll answer the question, “Is the race going to happen?” And, I’ll catch you up on how my training week went. You can be in the best shape of your life. Have all the training …

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Running for 48 Hours Ep-3

I had a very interesting start to the sport of ultra running. It all started while laying on my couch, getting up and trying to run a mile. Spoiler alert…I failed miserably. In episode 3 of Running for 48 Hours I’ll share more about how I started in ultra running, my unorthodox training philosophy, my …

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