Tag: allthingstonyj

Running for 48 Hours Ep-1

So, in a moment of weakness I decided to enter a 48 Hour Endurance race to see if I can go 100 miles! In this series I’ll document my training and answer many of your ultra running questions! This becomes a micro adventure of a personal and physical nature. Not all micro adventures have to …

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Crazy Park Adventure!

In this micro-adventure I travel to 3 different state parks, run 3 miles in each, all in one day! I’m calling it my Crazy Park Adventure. Watch it here.

So I started a New YouTube Channel!

I’m not going to Nepal or Mt. Everest and you’re probably not either. But there are a lot of micro-adventures that you can take near you. My desire is to inspire and motivate you to create and explore micro-adventures near you! Many, not all, of mine are all done in a day! Click here to …

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